The mathematics program is based on the New York Standards for Math, Science, and Technology. Through the use of a basal series, a sequential development of concepts and skills is provided to students in grades K- 6.
These concepts include math reasoning, number & numeration, operations, modeling/multiple representation, measurement, probability and patterns, and functions.
A pre-algebra course is offered to students in grade 7.
Math A, which is an advanced course that includes algebra, geometry and trigonometry, is given to all students in grade 8.
Specific performance indicators are identified for each grade level. The nature of the standards show the inter-relationship found in math, science and technology. The format of the Math State Assessment in grades 4 & 8 has encouraged all math teachers to incorporate activities and strategies that emphasize communicating mathematical understanding using verbal and written explanation, the use of rubrics to evaluate performance, and the continued incorporation of hands-on activities.
Small group instruction is available for students in grades 6-8 who demonstrate deficiencies in this area. An after school tutorial program is conducted to help targeted students prepare for the New York State Math Assessment.