The curriculum is based on the New York State Standards for Social Studies. Content, concepts and skills form the basis for the learning standards. The major themes for the K- 8 program include the study of Self & Others, My Family & Families Long Ago, My Community & other United States Communities, Communities around the World, Local history & Government related to State & Country, United States, Canada & Latin America, Eastern Hemisphere, United States and New York State History.
The content of the social studies curriculum engenders course integration with language arts. A variety of trade books and historical novels are incorporated as teaching strategies and learning activities in all grades. A social studies text is used in grades 2-8. The need to have current and updated information has encouraged the students to use the Internet as a research tool. Videos, maps, globes, charts, and software programs are essential components of the program.
Emphasis in the middle level program is placed on developing research skills and providing opportunities for the students to present their findings using a variety of mediums. Essays, research papers, oral reports, power point presentations and videos are some of the strategies utilized by the students.
New York State Assessments in social studies are administered to students in grades 5 and 8. The test is designed to measure student achievement of the content, concepts and skills contained in the social studies curriculum.